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Our Buses
15-2-17-2713 | 15-2-17-2713 | 15-2-17-2713 |
15-2-17-2713 | 15-2-17-2713 | 15-2-17-2713 |
15-2-17-2713 | 15-2-17-2713 | 15-2-17-2713 |
15-2-17-2713 | 15-2-17-2713 | 15-2-17-2713 |
15-2-17-2713 | 15-2-17-2713 | 15-2-17-2713 |
15-2-17-2713 | 15-2-17-2713 |
Our VanHool luxury motorcoaches has a seating capacity of fifty-seven passengers. The motorcoaches are equipped with the following:
DVD player with video monitors
CD player and AM/FM Stereo radio
Air Conditioner
Free Wi-Fi
High Back Reclining Seats
Overhead Reading Lamps
Overhead Storage Compartments
Ample Luggage Storage
Tinted Tour Windows
Restroom Equipped
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